The word “miracle” is often used in religious circles, but can be applied to a wide range of things outside of religion. If you compare the gambling games of 50 years ago with modern gambling, then today’s winning tools can be called something less than miracles.
A great way to start earning more as a player is to start using all the perks and tricks available. Modern technologies have made your job as a gamer much easier, especially if you know how to use them correctly.
Here are six modern wonders you can use to earn more while playing.
1 – Using return numbers to select bets
When I started betting in the 1980s, I had no idea what house edge was or what the return to player percentage was. He only knew which variations of the game he liked.
Many modern players act the same as I did when I first started betting. The problem is that you are losing too much money.
My first big break came when I learned about the return percentage of players. Every bet you make brings long-term income. If you wanted to win, you had to place bets that would pay off the most.
It’s common sense, but at the time I was betting blind. As soon as I learned about the return numbers, my approach to betting changed.
At that time, you had to do the math to determine the return on any bet. You can now do a quick search and find a complete list of RTPs for almost any game or betting option. And if you can’t find a return number for a game or bet option, you can safely skip that game or bet because the return will be bad.
2 – Internet and mobile options
In the 2000s, the Internet became more popular and the amount of information available about gambling and how to win skyrocketed almost overnight.
The Internet and mobile devices are nothing short of miraculous. If you find a new casino game, you can do a quick search and the chance that you can get the winning numbers and the best strategy to use is extremely high within minutes.
The internet and mobile devices also make it easier to find the best gaming options. You used to walk into a casino and be forced to bet at least $5 or $10 per hand at the tables, but now you can play the same games for $1 or less per hand right on your phone.
3 – Computer controlled strategy
In the past, if you wanted to know what the return to player percentage for a game or bet was, you had to use math to figure it out. It was time consuming and it was easy to make a mistake.
The same can be said about trying to determine the best strategies to use in gambling. You had to count the numbers and run thousands of scripts to try and figure out how to play the game in the best possible way.
It required so much math that most players simply couldn’t do it. I have a degree in math and there were still games that took more work than I was ready for.
But this is no longer a problem. Smart gamblers have been using computer programs for years to come up with the best strategies for every bet and bet play that can change their return strategy. And this information is easily available on the Internet.
4 – Track Map Ratio
Some really smart blackjack players have found that there were times when they played blackjack when their score was over 100%. Then they figured out how to determine exactly when it happened.
This knowledge alone was not enough to help them make a profit, but then they began to bet much more money in such situations. And what they found was a miracle.
If you learn to recognize when you are making at least 100% profit at a blackjack table and bet enough money, you will end up winning more than you lose on average. It’s called “card counting” and it’s one of the best ways to make a profit while playing.
Card counting is easier than it sounds because the blackjack players who developed these systems realized they didn’t have to remember every card they played. All they had to do was trace the proportions of the cards.
If you don’t know how card counting works, spend some time researching the subject. This may be the most lucrative education you will ever receive.
5 – Real time data
This is valuable for people who bet on sports events, but it can be useful for other players as well. When I started betting on sports, the only way to get information was to watch TV or read the newspaper.
I couldn’t access the latest injury news and all the stats were at least a day old. But this is no longer the case.
And instead of going to a bookmaker or your bookmaker, you can place your bet in seconds online or by phone.
The only problem with all this is that there is actually too much data available. This can lead to information overload, which is almost as bad as not having enough information. You must learn to find the information you need as quickly as possible, and at the same time learn which information to ignore.
Thanks to instant communication services like Twitter, you can read information about the teams and players you need to know about as soon as something happens. What a time to be a player!
6 – Opposite masses
This has been true for centuries and applies to many areas of life, including gaming. To get the best results, you often don’t have to do what most people do. In other words, if you want to find the best way to do something, just look at what everyone else is doing. Then do the opposite.
You see, most players play slot machines. And slot machines have proven to be some of the worst gaming options when it comes to player return percentages.
Most players do not find and use strategy during the game. Most blackjack players don’t know how card counting works.
You need to learn how to identify what other people are doing and how to do things differently if you want to start getting better results while playing.
The good news is that it’s easier than ever. In fact, you can use many of the things listed in this article to help you use the opposite gambling strategy.
Modern gamblers have access to more information about gambling than they know what to do. If you learn to sift through all the game information to find the most valuable, you should know that you will win more often.
The six wonders of the modern game listed in this article will help you get on the right track. Start using these six tips and then you will realize the miracle of profitable game results