New York, June 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Luvme Hair, the leading human hair wig company in the US, summarizes the two main challenges facing the wig industry today. One is the lack of income and the other is the gradual shortage of human hair. In recent years, due to the shortage of lace in the wig market, the overall price of lace wigs has generally increased by 15-25%.
When it comes to racing, the main origin of the Swiss racing used in Luvme Hair low-key racing wigs is Switzerland. To prevent the spread of the virus, Switzerland has reduced its horse racing exports. The rise of hair problems and the rise of e-commerce have increased the overall demand for lace wigs. At the moment, the problem is that the wig industry as a whole cannot generate revenue. Michael Lee, product manager for Luvme Hair, said: material. ”
first step
Luvme Hair released their wig as a first step. The idea came from customer feedback on promotional videos for revenue-generating products. “Lace wigs are expensive for me. I’m not good at cutting lace, so I need to find a beautician to install it. Are you considering a wig with a cap?” said Luvme Hair customer Nancy. Arriving at the production division of Luvme Hair, this idea caught the attention of most of the employees who decided to implement the wig. Soon, wigs with large elastic bands instead of lace were introduced to the wig market. Luvme Hair increased the marketing of wigs, but at the same time, this was not recognized by most customers.
After conducting a series of customer surveys, Luvme Hair found that the wig was not accepted in the market due to its unnatural appearance and lack of hair flexibility. They tried to replace a large area of elastic with a headband. Also, they chose different styles of tiaras to embellish the elasticity of the wig. Surprisingly, when Luvme Hair released the headband wig, it received a lot of love. Some customers do not recommend putting lace wigs on their head wigs because they are comfortable and easy for beginners to wear. “I was very pleased that the Bandana wig could keep up with current trends. For one thing, he turned the crisis of not running into an opportunity. On the other hand, success is not always determined by the market. that is why we keep releasing new Bandana wigs and constantly optimize product updates,” said Michael Li, product manager of Luvme Hair.
buying wigs online
Regarding raw materials, the supply of raw materials is gradually declining with the general improvement in the living standards of people in areas where there is virgin hair. Facing the trend of buying wigs online, accelerated by the Covid-19 disease, Luvme Hair shares the concerns. It should speed up the improvement rate of artificial hair chemical materials, and try to introduce the imitation of real hair. Therefore, we are accelerating the research and development of natural hair alternatives in hopes of bringing innovative products to consumers in the near future. “”