7 Easy Ways to Manipulate People in Conversations


Here are some of the most popular and rather banal ways to manipulate the human mind. Learn them and the interlocutor will do whatever you want (of course, within reasonable limits).

Do you think only superheroes can control the human mind? If you want your interlocutors to agree with you more often, follow your instructions, or like you, just do a few tricks.

Pause after words

This is a simple and old psychological trick that will make your words more powerful and important. Speak clearly and calmly, and after important words, pause to enhance the effect. By using a flat tone of voice, you will be seen as a strong and determined person. Too fast (hurried) words are considered a sign of fear or weakness, and drawn out (slow) words will be perceived as laziness.

Be first or last

If you are going to an important conversation (like a job interview), make sure to be the first or last candidate. Psychologists confirm that the people who were first or last are the most remembered – they always make a more memorable impression than people on the list. This simple trick will make you really stand out. Prepare for the conversation well, speak calmly and decisively, and everything will be decided your way!

Use the right words

Psychology professors at Harvard decided to analyze the word “because.” It turns out that using this phrase can help you gain an advantage over your interlocutor. The study was conducted and the participants were divided into three groups. Each of the people stood in line at the cashier and had to ask them to let them through. People who used even very simple arguments, but at the same time said the word “because”, they were allowed to go to the checkout faster.

Imitate the movements

Correct, imperceptible imitation of the movements of the person you are talking to will help to build trust. Body language will help you gain sympathy and convince the interlocutor of your arguments. Pay attention to the postures and gestures that you make, try to be like your interlocutor. It is important that the movements are performed smoothly, and not comically or jokingly. It is worth repeating them with a delay no faster than 30 seconds and no later than a minute. This will give you a positive first impression.

Speak less.

The interlocutor will tell much more if you shut up at the right time. Don’t ask for details about a particular person – too much pressure will cause the other person to say less than you would like. However, if there is no reaction for a long time, the speaker will try to explain in more detail and may give out much more. Remember to maintain eye contact at all times as well.

Sit next to the interlocutor

This will help you hear less criticism from the person you’re talking to. For example, if you suspect that your boss will bring up your bad behavior at the next meeting, but you don’t want everyone to hear how angry he is with you, all you need to do is sit next to him. Such an arrangement of bodies, such proximity will make him feel less comfortable – it is difficult to say something bad about the person who is sitting next to him (here, as it were, a slight fear of his attack is turned on).

Ask for a small favor

Borrow a book from someone or ask for help with a simple action and then say thank you. This can build trust in a person and eventually turn into an acquaintance. This trick has been reviewed and confirmed the fact that this behavior shapes the way the other person accepts us. If he does a favor, does something nice for you, then he starts loving you more because he also starts loving himself more.


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