Confirmed Case of COVID-19 at the mirror Campbell River Nursing Home

Confirmed Case of COVID-19 at the mirror Campbell River Nursing Home

The Vancouver Island Department of Health has confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Berwick Retirement Community on the waterfront the mirror Campbell River.

As stated by the Berwick Retirement Community and Berwick by the Sea, we are working with Island Health to take necessary steps to protect the health and well-being of all residents and employees and the community at large.

Island Health also confirmed that close contact has been made with people who have tested positive and that all necessary steps have been taken, said Leslie Sikorsky, Berwick’s director of sales and marketing. If you are not contacted by public health, you are not considered to be at risk of being exposed to that person.

“All Berwick leadership teams are working hard to closely monitor the situation in Berwick by the sea. All communities in Berwick are heartened by this situation and are ensuring the health and safety of their residents and staff. The outbreak protocol has been in place since last week very carefully,” the statement said. “We are taking all possible measures to ensure that the spread of the virus is contained. The health and safety of our residents and employees is a priority for Berwick’s retirement communities.”

Berwick’s retirement communities are working closely with Island Health 24 hours a day to control and contain the virus. Berwick is also in daily contact with infectious disease nurses.

As the entire family was informed in yesterday’s email, the most effective way to get answers about cases identified by Berwick by the Sea is to email: Berwick by the Sea Community supports outbreak procedures.

It is concerning that COVID-19 is not limited to any specific area or city on Vancouver Island and reminds us that it is vital to follow the State Department of Health guidelines for physical distancing, hygiene and self-isolation. Symptoms, say the statements.

In a letter to residents of a building in downtown the mirror Campbell River, Berwick COO Kelly Lazaro said: “A case of novel corona virus (COVID-19).”

“This can be painful to hear, but the good news is that all the precautions we’ve taken so far will help to further mitigate the spread and keep staff and residents safe. We look forward to this situation and are ready to continue.”. Our pandemic plan, and in taking this situation forward, the entire Berwick management team is fully committed to your health and safety. I would like to emphasize that we remain committed to the cause”, says Lazar.

The letter to the tenant describes the protocol implemented in the building.

  • The Berwick (RN) Director of Clinical Services has been notified and sent to the site
  • Communicate with residents, families, and seconded employees by sending letters or emails.
  • All residents were quarantined in apartments for the next 14 days.
  • A deeper cleaning of the entire building will begin immediately while occupants are isolated. This includes disinfecting light switches, tables, chairs, railings, walls, counter tops, doorknobs, and more. “High touch area”. As a result, all public areas are closed.
  • A ‘quarantine team’ will be established to care for symptomatic residents before each sunrise. These staff may not serve food or answer unauthorized calls to other apartments. This team uses the necessary personal protective equipment (PEP) with the utmost care.
  • All personnel entering the room must elbow or kick the occupant’s door. They know how to take a few steps away from the door to maintain 6 feet of social distancing. Residents should sit in the living room or a place where they can maintain a safe social distance of at least 6 feet when placing the food tray in their preferred location (kitchen counter, dining room table, etc.).
  • Suite cleaning services will be canceled while the tenant is in quarantine. If urgent cleaning is required, please contact the front desk.
  • Staff delivers meals and activity bags to each suite each day. Residents are offered two meal options for lunch and dinner. Staff will wear gloves and a surgical mask for the isolation room.
  • Employees continue to follow current outbreak protocols and use personal protective equipment (PPE) with the utmost care when providing assistance and care to those receiving Enhanced Living Services.
  • One of the best defenses against spread is proper hand washing, avoiding touching your face (mouth, eyes, and nose) and coughing to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses.


Lazaro said the situation was taken seriously and urged everyone to calm down. It is very important that we remain calm as Berwick moves into their outbreak protocol. In this scenario, we all play a very important role. Now we need to work together more than ever to contain the virus and do everything we can to prevent it from spreading throughout society. ”


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