Everyone is having plastic surgery today. Everyone from young men trying to achieve a chiseled face to older women looking for the fountain of youth is turning to plastic surgeons to improve their aesthetic. However, some may take plastic surgery too far. So, how far is too far? When should you embrace your appearance or let aging take over?
Frequent Procedures
The most common cosmetic surgery procedures include breast augmentation, tummy tuck, facelift, eyelid surgery, and nose reshaping. Breast surgery and nose surgery have been around for many decades and seem to be one of the most common for younger people. The older population tends to have tummy tucks, facelifts, and eyelid surgery.
Sometimes plastic surgery is for medical reasons or reconstruction after a traumatic medical event. Most people regain more confidence and functionality with reconstructive surgery. This is especially important to many when recovering from an illness or condition requiring radical treatment or a traumatic injury.
However, people who have plastic surgery for aesthetic purposes may become addicted to having those procedures. In some severe cases, people have so many surgeries that their appendages begin to break down or sink. A prime example is Micheal Jackson’s nose or Pete Burn’s cheeks and lips. Every day people can also experience these issues.
Signs to Stop Having Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery should make you feel confident and secure. However, some take it to another level and go beyond safe goals for transformation. If your doctor warns you to avoid further procedures, that’s a sure sign of reconsidering your plans. Additionally, if you begin to have medical problems or chronic illness, that may be attributed to frequent cosmetic procedures.
Finally, if your features deteriorate or become malformed or disfigured, that’s a sure sign of stopping pursuing surgery. Always consider the input of your surgeon. The risks may outweigh the rewards even if you find another surgeon who agrees to perform the procedure. Any surgery is serious and can have consequences. Never discount professional advice intended to benefit you, the patient.
Some cosmetic surgery can greatly boost confidence and provide benefits for the patient. However, there is such a thing as too much surgery. Consider the surgical procedures completely and always listen to your surgeon’s input. Always choose a highly reputable doctor such as Joel Aronowitz with an excellent track record–even if it costs more. The results are worth it, and safety is always the priority.